I recently started redecorating my bedroom, and after my best friend became obsessed with Gold accent colors, I have to admit its rubbed off on me. When I started planning to redo my bedroom, I was kind of unsure what I wanted to do. A friend thats an interior decorator redecorated the dining room and…
Tips & Tricks
Clean Your Shower Curtain
I know we all get busy, you WOULD think that we’d notice the soap scum build up and mildew at the bottom of our shower curtains or liners since its something we use daily. I know it’s something thats not always noticed, or if it is noticed, its one of those things that you think…
Make Wax Tarts from Old Candles
I love candles, but one thing I hate is when they have been burned for awhile and all the wax is left on the side but the wick is completely burned away. Yeah I know! Some of my favorite scented candles have done this, and if your a candle lover you know what its like…
Clean Your Garbage Disposal with Citrus
Lets face it, we all use it and never think about cleaning it until two things occur, its either clogged up, or it has a horrible sour odor coming from it. What is this thing I’m speaking about, THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL. I have seen many ways to clean it, but the one I use quiet…
Healthy Meatloaf
So I know many of us have a New Years resolution for either dieting, loosing weight, or eating healthier. I have talked about my journey a few times in some of my prior “healthier” recipe post. The last few weeks have really flew by and I had a whole list of post that I wanted…
How To Wrap A Gift
I know it seems like its easy for a lot, but I also know that after seeing a friend struggle and not understand by telling, that a video was WAY easier to show how to wrap a gift. Hope you find it easy to use. Merry Christmas!
How to Make Your Gift Boxes Sturdy
I love the 12 days of Christmas, and I love tips & tricks, so this year I’m going to do the 12 “tips” of Christmas. 🙂 I know, Cute huh! LOL So I know one ANNOYING thing that happens when wrapping gifts in boxes that were folded is that the sides tend to collapse and…
How to Decorate Your Front Door Garland for Christmas
I can’t express how excited I am to start talking about decorating for Christmas! I Love Christmas, it is absolutely my favorite holiday, and not just for the decorations and gifts. Christmas for me is not only the decorations (Even though I absolutely LOVE decorating) but I know that it brings my family and friends…
Paint Tips & Tricks
Painting a wall or ceiling can really change the mood and feeling of a room. I love to paint, for me, it’s a stress reliever more than a project or task to get done. I have really learned some great tips and tricks along the way to help shortcut and simplify paint projects. Here is…
Organize Your Toolbox
Ok, I think most of us have one, they tend to be very disorganized and cluttered, even for the most organized person. No I’m not talking about that kitchen “junk” drawer. I’m talking about that tool box that has all those tools, nails, screws, parts for things we can’t remember what they go to. Yeah…
Fix a Sinking Sofa
I think at some point we have all had this problem, a sofa that starts to sink in where you sit, leaving an imprint. Well, here is a simple and easy way to fix that sinking sofa and make your sofa look new again. Here’s what you will need: Plywood at least ¾ in thick,…
Chalkboard Painted Pumpkins
As I’ve mentioned in my last few post, this year I have felt a little more Halloween festive than ever before. Well to wrap up the last Halloween post for this season I knew what I wanted to create. My Neighbors are such a cute family, and I see they’re kids playing with chalk all…
Restoring Brown Sugar
So you don’t bake as much as you used to, and that brown sugar you had has now become one big hard lump. Well don’t be discouraged, Try these tips to restore and have that brown sugar back and soft like its fresh from the store. Theres several different methods, I know that you can…