I know we all get busy, you WOULD think that we’d notice the soap scum build up and mildew at the bottom of our shower curtains or liners since its something we use daily. I know it’s something thats not always noticed, or if it is noticed, its one of those things that you think…
Vinegar & Mouthwash Pedicure
I’ve heard alot of chatter about doing a pedicure with mouthwash & vinegar, I was watching tv and it was even mentioned on the news. So I decided to give this a try and see what all the hype was about. Well…… Here you go I heard everywhere to use only the blue mouthwash. Well………
Remove Alkaline Battery Corrosion
Oh No! Its happened to us all. You go to use a remote or change the batteries and when you take the back off, Bam, nothing but white corrosion everywhere. Yep, It happened to me today when I went to use my wireless mouse. Well, the good news, if its not too bad, it can…
Keep fruits from molding
A few months back when I got food poisoning I was CRAVING fruit and berries like nobodies business. I was NEVER a person to eat Grapes or buy them, but after getting better thats all I craved, Grapes, Oranges, & Strawberries.I had them in the refrigerator and after about 3 or 4 days I noticed…
Rid your towels of an odor
Oh no, You keep your towels washed, & use fabric softener to have them smell fresh & clean, but they still have an odor. Well, it’s not because you’re not washing your towels as often as you should, it’s actually a build up of the fabric softener causing that mildew smell. Fabric softener and washing detergent can…
Other handy uses for Vinegar
There are many other uses for vinegar than just cooking, & making volcanos. Some of these uses were a little eye popping for me. I love finding other uses for just regular household items. Here are some that I found interesting and most of them I’ve tried, and they work!